246 thoughts on “Write to the leaders of the ASEAN (Global Campaign)”

    1. Kyaw Soe Aung

      Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

      1. Please Accept NUG, and choose H.E U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Representative to attend the 38th ASEAN Summit.

        1. Please Accept NUG, and choose H.E U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Representative to attend the 38th ASEAN Summit.

        2. Kyaw Shine Linn

          Please accept National Unity Government (NUG) and choose H.E U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Representative to attend.

      1. I support CRPH and NUG government.Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Representative to attend the 38th ASEAN Summit for our Myanmar people lives and future.

    2. Accept NUG. Suppose U Kyaw Moe Tun to attend Oct 26 to 28 ASEAN meeting

    3. Oo Thet Hnin

      Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

    4. Please Accept NUG and choose H.E U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Respresentative to attend the 38th ASEAN Summit for our Myanmar Lives and Future. Thanks.

  1. nwayooaungnaing

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

    1. Lwin Khinthandar

      Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

    1. Nay Nwe Kyi Win

      We support U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar. Please support founding Democracy in Myanmar.

    1. Than Tun Oo

      ဦးကျော်မိုးထွန်းတက်ရောက်မည်ဆိုလျှင် သဘောတူလက်ခံပါ၏

    2. Bishnu Timsina

      We don’t accept military coup.
      We accept our government NUG.
      So invite only our NUG government .

  2. Nyi Nyi Aung

    ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.

  3. Aung Naing Win

    I would like H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun to be invited to the upcoming ASEAN summit.

  4. Nyi Nyi Aung

    ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.*

  5. San Win Aung

    ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.


    Add your voice to the millions of global citizens calling for ASEAN to recognise the National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG) and to invite U Kyaw Moe Tun to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28..

  6. Soemoe Aung

    Please consider to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our.

  7. ​Yamin Swe

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.


  8. Thet Shwe Sinn Hlainh

    Dear to whom with may concern,
    Our respected ASEAN leader,
    I would like to deeply request to you, Please invite U Kyaw Moe Tun that is truely our Myanmar people’s representative. Please, do not invite and support Military coup leader that is terrorist group and really oppress on civilian. Many people are suffering abuse and threat from the military government. Please kindly request to all of you to look for our people , we hope you can decide the best.
    Best of luck

    1. Please accept NUG as our legitimate government, and to attend the summit, U Kyaw Moe Htun is the most appropriate person who can represent the Myanmar people!

  9. Swe ​Yamin

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.


  10. Thin Thinzan

    Dear Asean
    Please invite our goverment NUG.Reject Military 🙏🙏🙏

  11. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  12. Dear
    Senior Management Members
    ASEAN Submit.
    I would like to request you that I also norminate Mr:Kyaw Moe Htun for Myanmar Representative of ASEAN submit conference. Because of he is a good leader for Myanmar and also within the region.

  13. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  14. AungNaingMoe

    Please kindly invite to Dr.Thant Myint U (former UN official and former special adviser to the President for peace process) to attend ASEAN Summit).

  15. Win Aung San

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  16. Accept NUG reject military
    Please invite U kyaw Moe Htun as Myanmar representative

  17. KyawtKKhine

    We respectfully urge you to allow National Unity Government of Myanmar(NUG) and U Kyaw Moe Tun to attend the upcoming ASEAN summit.

  18. Dear Asean.
    Please invite Kyaw Moe Tun, the NGU representative, to the ASEAN Summit.

  19. Mulan Mulan

    Senior Management Members
    ASEAN Submit.
    I would like to request you that I also norminate Mr:Kyaw Moe Htun for Myanmar Representative of ASEAN submit conference. Because of he is a good leader for Myanmar and also within the region.

  20. Dear ASEAN members,
    Please accept NUG and allow U Kyaw Moe Tun to partake at the ASEAN Summit Conference. I agree NUG is our government of Myanmar and U Kyaw Moe Tun is the representative of Myanmar who strongly against on crimes against humanity.
    Respectfully yours,

  21. For ASEAN, it will be right choice cooperation with National Unity Government of Myanmar for Peace and Dignity of ASEAN.

  22. ASEAN,
    Please accept our H.E U Kyaw Moe Htut to attend Upcoming ASEAN meeting

  23. Zin Moe Nway Zin Moe Nway

    We want democracy. We need justice.
    My goverment is NUG.Reject military.So ,save.Myanmar.
    We are all a part of God’s great big family.And the truth. you know love is all we need.
    So, Mr;Kyaw Moe Tun for Myanmar representative of ASEAN sumit conference.

  24. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  25. Myat Kthee Aung

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  26. Kyaw Oo Maung

    Please consider to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our.

  27. Saw Tha Gay

    NUG and CRPH are the elected political organizations by the The most of Myanmar people in 2020.You will see as a great witness that we,the people of Myanmar are strongly against the terrorist council leaded by Min Aung Hlaing till now and supporting People Defense Forces to resist from all kind of their brutal oppressions.So, please respect our valuable votes and accept the person who represent us in your Summit Meeting
    #please save Myanmar

  28. Wai Lin Phyo

    Please consider to ASEAN choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our.

  29. Dear ASEAN.
    The NUG is the government officially elected by the people of Burma. Therefore, we respectfully request that NUG Government Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun be invited. NUG is the only legitimate government.

  30. The NUG is the government officially elected by the people of Burma. Therefore, we respectfully request that NUG Government Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun be invited. NUG is the only legitimate government.

  31. Kaung Khant Shine

    Dear Asean
    Please invite envoy of Myanmar,U kyaw Moe Tun to Asean summit and utterly recognize as Myanmar Asean envoy.
    Join hand with NUG is the best decision to honor Asean community .Nug is the most appropriate organization for Asean as partner.Engaging with terrorist myanmar miltary make Asean image down. We myanmar people assure we will make to asean as better community by join hand with every Asean leaeder.
    … .. Kaung Khant Shine

  32. Kaung Khant Shine

    Dear Asean
    Please invite envoy of Myanmar,U kyaw Moe Tun to Asean summit and utterly recognize as Myanmar Asean envoy.
    Join hand with NUG is the best decision to honor Asean community .Nug is the most appropriate organization for Asean as partner.Engaging with terrorist myanmar miltary make Asean image down. We myanmar people pledge we will make to asean as better community by join hand with every Asean leaders
    … .. Kaung Khant Shine

  33. We support our UN Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as a representative of NUG of Myanmar.

  34. Kaung Khant Shine

    Dear Asean
    Please invite envoy of Myanmar,U kyaw Moe Tun to Asean summit and utterly recognize as Asean envoy of Myanmar.
    Join hand with NUG is the best decision to honor Asean community .Nug is the most appropriate organization for Asean as partner.Engaging with terrorist myanmar miltary make Asean image down. We myanmar people pledge we will make to asean as better community by join hand with every Asean’s leaders
    … .. Kaung Khant Shine

  35. Phyu Hnin Wai

    Myanmar junta are still detaining the innocent civilians though they were showing off releasing detainees in public. Please don’t accept junta at ASEAN meeting. Please help us.

  36. Support by NUG,CRPH
    Support u kyaw moe tun
    We want democracy
    Reject military

  37. Nay Nwe Kyi Win

    We are unarmed and innocent civilians , we want peace and Democracy. Military is violating human rights and destroying our peaceful lives. Please support and accept NUG as the representative of Myanmar.

  38. Support by NUG,CRPH
    Support u kyaw moe tun
    We want democracy
    Reject military

  39. We Myanmar citizens are fully supported NUG Government. We need Asian to help for million of people in Myanmar. Thanks Asian Leader, we need your kindness.🙏🙏

  40. Naung Myo Minn

    We Support CRPH.NUG is our Government. Accept U Kyaw Moe Htun.

    Myo Minn Naung

  41. Dear
    Senior Management Members
    ASEAN Submit.
    I would like to request you that I also norminate Mr:Kyaw Moe Htun for Myanmar Representative of ASEAN submit conference. Because of he is a good leader for Myanmar and also within the region.

  42. Ye Wunna Aung

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  43. Daniel Manabu

    We kindly argue ASEAN to accept ever represent Myanmar’s embasstor U Kyaw Moe Tun to attend on ASEAN meeting which is upcoming event.

  44. Tint Tint Khaing

    Support U Kyaw Moe Tun.
    We want democracy.
    We want Justice.
    Reject military.

  45. The NUG is the government officially elected by the people of Burma. Therefore, we respectfully request that NUG Government Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun be invited. NUG is the only legitimate government.

  46. We support U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar. Please support founding Democracy in Myanmar.

  47. We, the people of Myanmar, appreciate the decision during the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on October 15, 2021, to invite a non-political representative from Myanmar to the 38th and 39th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits scheduled to take place on October 26-28, 2021.

    We welcome ASEAN’s recognition of the Military Junta’s insufficient progress in implementing the Five-Point Consensus, particularly the Junta leadership’s lack of commitment to allowing the ASEAN envoy to engage all concerned parties. We realize this is an unprecedented and positive step by ASEAN for the people of Myanmar. Since its illegal seizure of power on February 1, the Junta has continued to take advantage of the ASEAN principles to prevent meaningful engagement to resolve the current political crisis while attempting to consolidate control of the country by force and violence. The Junta has betrayed not only its own people but also the leadership of the ASEAN.

    In line with the ASEAN’s decision for Myanmar’s non-political representation at the upcoming summits, we wish to convey the following:

    1. We urge the ASEAN to prevent not only the participation of SAC officials but also any individuals and organizations associated with them. ASEAN must ensure the Myanmar representative could objectively represent the interest of Myanmar and its people.
    2. We recommend U Kyaw Moe Tun for non-political representative for ASEAN.

  48. Please stand with people of Myanmar, and representative Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun.Reject Myanmar military junta.

  49. The people of Myanmar and the ASEAN region. The people of Myanmar and the ASEAN region Take immediate action against the Min Aung Hlaing terrorists who caused the unrest Let me ask you, ASEAN members Please look at the wishes of the people of BurmaThank you

  50. Reject Military coup.
    Myanmar Military must stop killing innocent people.
    Myanmar Military must quit from politics.

  51. Reject Military coup.
    Myanmar Military must stop killing innocent people.
    Myanmar Military must quit from politics.

  52. Hay Marn Kyaw

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  53. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  54. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  55. ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.


    Thu Thu

  56. Su Yee Lwin

    Recognize our National Unity Government that will be your greatest history and we will always remember good countries and good people.

  57. Nay Myo Htun

    OCTOBER 18, 2021 AT 9:12 AM
    Please stand with people of Myanmar, and representative Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun.Reject Myanmar military junta.

  58. NUG is the one we are expecting for our federal democracy.U Kyaw Moe Tun is being representative for Myanmar.

  59. As a Burmese citizen, I do not want the current military dictator. We have elected himNUG Only Government Minister Kyaw Moe Tun should be recognized for the ASEAN Summit, which will be held from October 26 to October 28.

  60. Please stand with people of Myanmar, and representative Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun.Reject Myanmar military junta.

  61. Khon Min Htet

    Reject Military coup.
    Myanmar Military must stop killing innocent people.
    Myanmar Military must quit from politics.

  62. Myint Myat Phwe

    You need to support government that can be accepted by the people of the Country.
    Not the Coup leaders who comitted the countless atrocities upon its people across the country.

  63. ASEAN, please select Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun or a representative of NUG.

  64. Nan Myo Hlaing

    The NUG is the government officially elected by the people of Burma. Therefore, we respectfully request that NUG Government Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun be invited. NUG is the only legitimate government

  65. Thin Cho Cho

    We,the people of Myanmar, would like to ask ASEAN to invite NUG, our elected government, to attend ASEAN summit.

  66. Please,Dear Asian leaders invite our government N.U.G.
    You can help Myanmar peoples.

  67. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  68. Please stand with Myanmar People . NUG is the our official and legitimate government and please support our official government. We support U Kyaw Moe Tun and whom is representative of myanmar.

  69. We accept and support NUG.
    Please consider U Kyaw Moe Tun to attend
    ASEAN Summit.
    Please do not trust Junta. They are murderer, lier.

  70. Myanmar military with terrorists acts killing own civilians instead of protecting them should not be representing Myanmar .

    People killing Myanmar people should not represent Myanmar.

    People of Myanmar condemn Myanmar military

  71. Phyu Phyu Phay

    We, all Myanmar People support our Legitimate Government NUG.
    Please accept our government’s diplomat.
    We will thank you for your right stand against the military junta.

  72. ThetThet Aung

    We support U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar. Please support founding Democracy in Myanmar.

  73. Htun Ei Hlaing

    The NUG is the government officially elected by the people of Burma. Therefore, we respectfully request that NUG Government Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun be invited. NUG is the only legitimate government

  74. Soe Win Naing

    Dear ASEAN, Please consider to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative.

  75. ဦးကျော်မိုးထွန်းကို အာစီရံ အစည်းဝေးတက်ခွင့်ပြုပါ သို့မဟုတ် NUG လူကြီးတစ်ဦးတက်ခွင့် ပြုပါ

  76. Zaw Tun ဦးဇော်ထွန်း

    We support CRPH & NUG
    Pls reject Military coup

  77. Soe Thandar Lwin

    Please consider to choose a person from NUG. Especially support to U Moe Kyaw Tun or Dr.Sasa. I appreciate for your right decision not allow SAC to attend ASEAN’s meeting. We’ve been waiting for this.

  78. We, Myanmar people, are pleased to hear that the milittary junta is not allowed to attend the ASEAN meeting.But ASEAN chosed the non-political person to represent Myanmar for the meeting. It is questionable that that person can really reflect the Myanmar people voice. So, We, Myanmar people urge ASEAN to choose NUG, the real representative of Mynmar People.

  79. Zaw Ye Lwin

    Please listen our people voice. We suffered a lot of difficulty under military government. Right now, please understand our myanmar people hope. Thanks.

  80. Dr.Nay Zan Than

    ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.

  81. ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.

  82. Nay Lin Aung

    NUG is only our legitimate govrnment .

    Reject military coup. Military coup is terrorist organization and they are munder.

    Accept the representative of Myanmar U Kyaw Moe Htun 5.5 millions people of Myanmar.

  83. I would like to point out that if ASEAN wants to reach its mission like EU, your recognition to NUG, CRPH and Myanmar UN Representative, U Kyaw Moe Htun should be consiidered.
    Thank you so much for your cooperation,
    Best Regards

  84. Phyo Set Ko

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  85. Pingback: အာဆီယံ ခေါင်းဆောင်များကို လာမည့် ထိပ်သီးဆွေးနွေးပွဲမှာ စစ်ကောင်စီနဲ့ ပတ်သက်တဲ့လူကို မဖိတ်

  86. Nay Myo Min

    UN Permanent Representative to Burma U Kyaw Moe Tun is invited to attend the ASEAN Special Meeting

    Respectfully submitted by a Myanmar citizen

  87. Leave SAC behind, you should welcome and invite U Kyaw Moe Tun and NUG government ( the true government of Myanmar).ASEAN should know that the military terrorist army is the true enemy of Myanmar people.

  88. Thin Thin Nwe

    I want to you to invite U Kyaw Tun, UN representative. As a Myanmar citizen, I do support U Kyaw Moe Tun.

  89. Kyaw Swa Tun

    Pls kindly consider to accept UN envoy H.E Kyaw Moe Tun representing the
    over 50 million of Myanmar People and
    NUG to attend the ASEAN summit .

  90. I would like to request that I also norminate Mr:Kyaw Moe Htun for Myanmar Representative of ASEAN submit conference.

  91. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  92. Aung Ko Ko Oo

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  93. Aye Aye Cho

    Dear ASEAN
    NUG is our legitimate government. Please, invite our
    government NUG . You can help MYANMAR PEOPLE.
    Thank you.

  94. Myanmar military, killing own civilians brutally, should not be representative to Myanmar in ASEAN.
    NUG ( National Unity Government) is the one and only government for Myanmar people.

  95. Aungmyat Min

    We all stand with NUG,CRPH and our elected leaders. Respect our votes and consider for our citizens. You all can see clearly what we want.
    Thank you our respectable ARSEAN leaders.

  96. In order to stop the military junta’s inhumane brutality like a thuggish gang in Myanmar over 60 years and shameless act of the coup, ASEAN should invite NUG, CRPH or H.E. U Kyaw Moe Tun to the ASEAN’s meetings to reflect the true will of Myanmar people. Let’s uproot the uncivilized junta.

  97. Kyaw Thura Soe

    ASEAN Please accept NUG , NUG is our elected government reject Military Janta

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  99. Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for Myanmar people lives and hope. Do not accept Junta appointed person as they will end up lying and betrayal to own citizens. We don’t believe these cunning old fools over 60 years experience.

  100. Sai Htain Linoo

    ASEAN has decided not to invite the military junta’s commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing to the upcoming ASEAN summit from Oct 26 to 28. Although we welcome this decision, ASEAN should consider inviting H.E Mr. Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar’s current permanent representative to the United Nations.

    By Myanmar Citizin

  101. Khin Moe Myint

    We support NUG and CRPH.
    ASEAN, please select ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun or a representative of NUG.


    Dear ASEAN.,
    We, the people of Myanmar only support to CRPH and NUG government. We don’t support to military junta. And then we don’t accept military coup. Our leader is DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYI and our president is U WIN MYINT. So, we respectfully request to ASEAN. Please only accept NUG government representative U KYAW MOE TUN to attend the ASEAN Summit. Do not invite a junta representative to the summit. As ASEAN lead the future of whole ASEAN countries citizens in Southeast asia. I pray for the great success and development of the association in the future. We, the people of Myanmar, wish to be a part of the association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a member of the association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Thank you very much.

  103. We support NUG and CRPH.
    ASEAN, please select ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun or a representative of NUG.

  104. Our government is NUG. We don’t support military junta. We don’t accept military coup. The people of our country get introuble because of coup. So, We need your help. Please. We will never forget your help.

  105. National Unity Government is our legitimate government….if ASEAN want to get relationship with Myanmar…they must accept and support NUG and accept HE U Kyaw Moe Htun

  106. We support NUG Government & CRPH.
    Accept the U kyaw Moe Tun for representative of NUG government & people of Myanmar.

  107. Su Su Hlaing

    We support NUG and CRPH.
    ASEAN, please select ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun or a representative of NUG.

  108. You are the leader of your people to show them the right and good things because you know what is the most important thing of human role. So you can be example to your people as TRUTH lover and stand to the truth.

    You are now writing down you and your country history to read by the later peoples.

    This is very easy to get decision for black or white, you don’t need to take a time more than a second to choice the right or wrong, bad or good.

    The letter is not to please you and it’s not petition letter too. Just remind to your TRUTH lover heart. You don’t need to rethink jus follow your heart. Thank you.

  109. Zayar Maung

    Please accept NUG and choose H.E U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Representative to attend the 38th ASEAN Summit.

  110. Please Accept NUG, and choose H.E U Kyaw Moe Tun as a Myanmar Representative to attend the 38th ASEAN Summit.

  111. Min Htet Oo

    We want Democracy.
    We hate Military Junta.
    We Myanmar People trust in NUG and U Kyaw Moe Tun.
    Accept NUG.

  112. Kyaw Naing Win

    We Want Democracy , We Hate Military Junta , ASEAN Please Select Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun , Accept NUG

  113. Saw Bo Zaw Win

    We need Democracy.We support NUG. You must invite NUG representatives.

  114. We support NUG and CRPH.
    ASEAN, please select ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun or a representative of NUG.

  115. We strongly support and accept CRPH.
    ASEAN have to be choose our representative HE Mr.Kyaw Moe Tun

  116. We strongly support NUG and accept CRPH.
    ASEAN have to be choose our representative HE Mr.Kyaw Moe Tun.

  117. We support NUG.
    We support CRPH.Our Government is NUG. We support U Kyaw Moe Tun.Reject the military coup.

  118. Dear ASEAN,
    If you really want to rebuild democracy in Myanmar,please accept and invite NUG’s representative person. We also support NUG government only. We reject military and loathe their evil attitude and practices. You have the large opportunity to help Myanmar civilians so please grab this opportunity.

  119. I support NUG.Please, invite U Kyaw Moe Tun to ASEAN summit as a political representative for all people in Myanmar.

  120. Yin Phyo Ei

    Please consider ASEAN to choose U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s Representative for our Myanmar people lives and future.

  121. AYE LAI LAI

    We accept and support NUG.
    Please consider U Kyaw Moe Tun to attend
    ASEAN Summit.
    Please do not trust Junta. They are murderer, lier.
    Please respect. our votes
    thank you so much

  122. Khin San Tint

    We strongly support and accept CRPH.
    ASEAN have to be choose our representative HE Mr.Kyaw Moe Tun.

  123. Yan Naung Soe

    Asean must accept the will of the people of Myanmar.
    So Asean must accept Ambassador Mr.Kyaw Moe Tun and CRPH and NUG

  124. Chan Yu Naing

    No want junta.I accept NUG. I would like to request not to invite junta please. Respect Myanmar Public’s desires for democracy. We all accept only Mr Kyaw Moe Htun.

  125. Chan Yu Naing

    No want junta.I accept NUG. I would like to request not to invite junta please. Respect Myanmar Public’s desires for democracy. We all accept only Mr Kyaw Moe Htun.

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