Impose targeted sanctions on the Myanmar military coup leaders

Australia imposed sanctions on the Myanmar military regime in the past in response to their failure to recognize the 1990 Myanmar election results; and in 2018, on members of the Myanmar military in response to their well-documented human rights abuses against the Rohingya. In 2021, the world is witnessing the same pattern of behaviour from the Myanmar military on an unprecedented scale – failure to recognize the results of the 2020 democratic election, atrocities, brutality, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, across the entire country. The Myanmar people have now been living under the military junta’s brutal repression for over 240 days, whilst the international community, the United Nations Security Council, in particular, has still not taken collective action under the R2P principle. We, individuals and member organizations of CRPH/NUG Support Group (Australia), the largest activist group in Australia’s Myanmar community, urge our Australian Government to:

We therefore ask the House to

  1. Impose targeted economic sanctions on the military conglomerates, Myanmar Economic Holding Limited (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Cooperation (MEC), and their subsidiaries; and on State-owned enterprises in the natural resources extraction sector, led by current and former military officials, to restrict the financial resources that enable the military to carry out gross human rights violations and sustain their power.
  2. Impose targeted sanctions on the military coup leaders – restrictions on providing assets to designated persons or entities, restrictions on dealing with the assets of designated persons or entities, and travel bans on designated persons

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1 thought on “Impose targeted sanctions on the Myanmar military coup leaders”

  1. I support targeted sanctions on the Myanmar junta.100days campaign.
    Minister for Foreign Affairs
    Penny Wong – Senator for SA
    Assistance Minister for Foreign affairs
    Tim Watts MP
    Attorney General
    Mark Dreyfus
    Prime minister
    Anthony Albanese
    Department of foreign affairs and trade
    Australian government department of foreign affairs and trade
    Myanmar campaign Network

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